All financials and reports are available to our clients through our secure online portal. With our detailed financial reporting tools, you’re always a few clicks away from checking-in on your financial status.
Bank Accounts: Establish operating, reserve and other bank accounts as required.
Collections: Implement and enforce collection of monthly assessments and other charges.
Maintain follow-up action on all unpaid assessment or fees. Forward accounts to the attorneys for collection.
Rental Demands: Prepare tenant demand letters for accounts whose owners are delinquent in assessments. Post three-day notices and forward files to attorney for eviction if required.
Resident Ledgers: Keep accurate records of homeowner’s receivables.
Budget: Prepare annual operating budget for review and approval by the Board/Association. Assist the Board to focus on long-range capital replacement reserve schedule and assist with the preparation of reserve study.
Invoices: Review all vendor invoices, enter and pay in accordance with the approved budget. Provide copies of all bills and invoices paid from the Association’s account.
Financial Statements: Prepare monthly financial statements showing total monthly and year-to-date activities by line item. Include copies of bank statement, reconciliation, balance sheet, profit & loss, check register and collection reports. Review and make recommendations to the Board of Directors.
Audits: Assist the Association’s outside accountant/auditor in performing the annual audit and federal income tax preparation.
Monthly Assessment: Secure lock box service provided for the Association’s accounts receivable.